What is SSL?
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, it is the standard tech for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguards any sensitive data that may be used on certain sites.
It provides the lock before a URL in your browser window, showing whether a website is safe and has an SSL certificate.

Should I have it on my website?
Should I have it on my website?
If your website has forms for even the most basic of information, sign up pages asking for email and name or a commerce website that sells various items, you will need an SSL certificate.
Why does my website need an SSL certificate if I do have any of the above on my website?
Why does my website need an SSL certificate if I do have any of the above on my website?
When having an SSL certificate, it protects the user and your webpage from hackers or third party users from collecting any personal information from the user.
Such as;
Passwords to client portals
Credit card or Debit card information
Email and name to send malware or spam to a customer from your website

Data from your website that may be confidential can be accessed without the right security presence on your webpages.
How do I get an SSL for my website?
How do I get an SSL for my website?
Many companies offer SSL certificates for a range of prices. Most expensive being up to $3,150.82 CAD per year.
Cheapest being included into site builder subscriptions like Zoho Sites.
Zoho Sites offers a lot of beneficial features within their subscription but the main thing to talk about here is the included SSL certificate.
If you start a new website and you want to collect leads, sell various products, offer a service or are a business in general, Zoho Sites is extremely beneficial for you.
You will have happy customers and clients, your business's website will be trusted and indexed easier on search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and more giving you a better chance of people finding you and coming to your site for the trusted experience.
15 Day Free Trial of Zoho Sites Below.